Vaughn Firearms Training
9539 Hwy 49B North Brookland, Arkansas 72417
(870) 243-1416

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Latest reviews for Vaughn Firearms Training 5/5.0 stars (12 reviews)

Don in Jonesboro, AR *****
I just wanted to thank you for all the information that was given to me today. I was apprehensive about taking this class at first and now I am so very glad I had the opportunity to take advantage of it.

You presented us with some very valuable and useful information and in a way that was clear and very understandable. One thing in particular that stands out in my mind and I really gave this much thought on the way home was, when you asked how many of us planned on carrying a weapon, I did not raise my hand and to be honest with you at that point I was not sure. My whole thought process changed immediately when you started talking about being proactive and being prepared.

I had to ask myself am I really prepared even though I own a handgun and have received the training and will probably get my CCW permit? If I leave it locked away in a cabinet or in a dresser drawer, I am not prepared nor am I being proactive! I am doing myself, my family and my community an injustice if I do not follow through with what I started, so on that note I will be armed 99.9% of the time and can only hope to be able to see situations clear as you do should they arise.

I only hope and God forbid that it ever come to it that if I am involved in a gunfight............I know that you could not be there but the many things you have taught us today will be!
Brandon in -, AR *****
First, thanks again for the awesome class this weekend. It was sincerely worth the wait! Whenever you start up another class, I will absolutely sign up for it, no doubt about it; & I’ll probably take the force on force class from you again next spring for a refresh (and to see how I’ve hopefully improved!!). Also, if you’d let me know the specifics again on those air soft guns you had I’d much appreciate that as well. I’m definitely planning to get a couple and those worked pretty damn good (and fit my holster!)
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